Updated status -- new issues

Jim Dehnert dehnert at baalbek.engr.sgi.com
Tue Feb 1 09:01:48 UTC 2000

I've attempted to capture much of the recent email about RTTI and
constructors as new issues, A-22-24 and C-11-12.  Some but not all
of the mail is included in the open issues document.  The HTML pages
on the web site have been updated, and will be a bit more tomorrow
with the rest of the meeting results.  If you've been half following
the email exchange, look at it again and think about the questions --
we'll probably discuss it on Thursday.

I'll include the following in the document when I get them:

  Daveed -- updated mangling proposal
  Coleen -- construction vtable writeup

I also have an old action item for Christophe -- a virtual destructor
proposal.  I suspect that is issue C-5, already resolved.  True?


-		Jim Dehnert  x3-4272

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