C++ ABI Summary

Jim Dehnert dehnert at sgi.com
Thu Aug 5 02:47:20 UTC 1999

Sorry this is late.  Things have been distracting :-).

Here are the current versions of the issue pages.  Also, please look
again at the list of actions from the last meeting following.
I've included in the open issues document the priority initialization
writeup I promised (issue C-2), and the data layout document has been
adjusted as discussed for issue A-9 (empty base placement).  I have
not finished the Vtable layout work -- I apologize.

Date: Thu, 29 Jul 1999 20:55:46 -0700 (PDT)
From: dehnert (Jim Dehnert)
To: cxx-abi at corp.sgi.com
Subject: Action items from today's meeting
Reply-To: dehnert (Jim Dehnert)
Sender: owner-cxx-abi-sgi at cthulhu
Precedence: bulk

The following are the actions people agreed to (or were volunteered
for) at today's meeting.  AI-nn refers to an action item in the
summary, X-nn refers to the issue with that number.


AI-7, B-1:  We'd like to proceed with the virtual function call protocol,
      but need a write-up of what Christophe discussed last month.


AI-13:  Describe RTTI representation.


A-9:  Reflect empty base class allocation decision in layout document.

B-6:  Rewrite Christophe's Vtable layout description as an exercise
      to identify any holes.

AI-15, C-2:  Do careful writeup of object file init priority representation.


B-4/7:  Think carefully about the issues involved in putting Vtables
        (and therefore potentially objects that reference them) in
        shared memory.


C-7:  Write careful description of when parameter copy constructors
      may be elided.

Mike Ball

B-3:  You apparently have a good characterization of when Vtable
      caching is safe/legal.  Can you please describe it for us?


AI-12:  Describe the Intel C++ exception handling model.
AI-5:   Set up N-way NDA if necessary to discuss it.


A-11:  Describe your representation for pointers to member functions.

B-6:  Describe your RTTI representation.

F-x:  In anticipation of mangling discussions, please help by (a)
      identifying what needs to be mangled, and (b) describing any
      mangling/compression scheme(s) you think we should consider.

-	    Jim Dehnert		dehnert at sgi.com
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