Updated status pages

Alex Samuel samuel at codesourcery.com
Sat Jul 29 05:21:08 UTC 2000

Jim Dehnert <dehnert at baalbek.engr.sgi.com> writes:

  Jim> And Alex was going to go over the mangling examples.

OK, sorry about the delay getting this out.  I've marked those that
are different than what's in the spec with an asterisk.  Someone,
please look these over!  Thanks.

  f                             C function or variable "f" 
  _Z1fv                         Ret? f() or Ret? f(void) 
  _Z1fi                         Ret? f(int) 
  _Z3foo3bar                    Ret? foo(bar) 
  _Zrm1XS_                      Ret? operator%(X, X) 
  _ZplR1XS0_                    Ret? operator+(X&, X&) 
  _ZlsRK1XS1_                   Ret? operator<< (X const&, X const&) 
  _ZN3FooIA4_iE3barE            Type? Foo<int[4]>::bar; 
  _Z1fIiEvi                     void f<int>(/*nondependent*/int) 
* _Z5firstI3DuoEvS0_            void first<Duo>(/*nondependent*/Duo) 
  _Z5firstI3DuoEvT_             void first<Duo>(/*T1=*/Duo) 
  _Z3fooIiPFidEiEvv             void foo<int,int(*)(double),int>() 
  _ZN1N1fE                      Type? N::f 
  _ZN6System5Sound4beepEv       Ret? System::Sound::beep() 
  _ZN5Arena5levelE              Type? Arena::level; 
  _ZN5StackIiiE5levelE          Type? Stack<int, int>::level; 
  _Z1fI1XE vPV N1AIT_E1TE       void f<X>(A</*T1=*/X>::T volatile*) 
                                void operator-</*int J=*/42>(A<J+2>::T) 
* _Z4makeI7FactoryiET_IT0_E     Factory</*T2=*/int> make<Factory, int>()    
  _Z3foo 5Hello5WorldS0_S_      void foo(Hello,World,World,Hello) 
  _Z3fooPM2ABi                  foo(int AB::**) 
  _ZlsRSoRKSs                   operator<< (std::ostream&,std::string const&) 
* _ZTI7a_class                  typeid(class a_class) 


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