Fw: [cxx-abi-dev] Decimal Floating Point mangling was(Fw: [cxx-abi-dev] C++0x: Mangling of rvalue reference type)s

Dennis Handly dhandly at cup.hp.com
Tue Aug 21 13:28:47 UTC 2007

>From: Michael Wong <michaelw at ca.ibm.com>
>First, an appeal that we send only to the cxx-abi group unless someone is
>not on it. This avoids duplication and the fact that some mail server is
>sending out messages at different times. Based on pattern of discussion so
>far, I think that is Prem Rao. If Prem is on the group, then we can remove
>his name.

I told Prem how to get on the list.  I'm not sure he did, that's why I
CCed him.

>So I would suggest that I try to contact Mark and get a telecon together of
>the interested parties with Mark arbitrating the discussion. Would people
>be amenable to participate in that?
Michael Wong

That would probably be Prem instead of me.
I'm around late afternoon PDT.

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