[cxx-abi-dev] What is a POD? TC1 or first C++ Standard

Mark Mitchell mark at codesourcery.com
Tue Oct 26 01:13:01 UTC 2004

Mark Mitchell wrote:

> Yes, you're correct, the standard does guarantee that you can do 
> bitwise copies for PODs  using their size.
> In other words, your point is that unless we interpret the ABI as 
> meaning "TC1 POD", it is not the ABI for a correct C++ compiler, 
> because it will fall afoul of this rule.  This is [basic.types]/3, for 
> reference.
> I think that's a pretty compelling agument that we should clarify the 
> ABI to indicate that POD means "POD as defined by TC1".  Any 
> objections to that proposal?  Are there any compilers other than aCC 
> implementing the pre-TC1 definition?

Nobody objected, so I committed the following change, requiring the TC1 
definition.  The change will be reflected in the online copy shortly.  I 
also clarified the fact that an array that is a POD type, but whose 
elements are not a POD for the purpose of layout is not itself a POD for 
the purpose of layout.


Mark Mitchell
CodeSourcery, LLC
(916) 791-8304
mark at codesourcery.com

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