Unwind API for EH

Cary Coutant cary at cup.hp.com
Fri Sep 1 16:20:28 UTC 2000

>I don't really like this, either.  The problem here is now the unwinder is 
> given the power to choose how to set up the processor for the landing 
>pad.  I'd  rather that this be in the control of the language vendor, 
>since we're making a  transfer of control to their code, under very 
>special circumstances - they know about their  unwind data structures, and 
>the unwinder doesn't.  So the implementation should be  free to choose 
>specifics about the processor here that make for the best transfer of  
>control they can manage.

Yes, I agree, and this was the original idea behind using the more 
generic interface. The problem with that, however, was that we ended up 
asking the unwind API to provide the capability to set four scratch 
registers that it otherwise would never have had anything to do with -- 
the unwind library does not normally need to track scratch registers, and 
it would be wasteful to require it to provide space in the unwind context 
record for all scratch registers. Thus, the restriction was born that the 
API worked only for these four registers. Now, we're back to what we were 
trying to avoid in the first place -- the unwind library now has to know 
the details of the landing pad interface, so that it knows what registers 
to support. Now, the contract is among three parties instead of two. I 
argue that it's better to architect those registers at this level, and 
abstract the interface between the personality routine and the unwind 

At the risk of drawing this discussion on longer than it deserves, let me 
float an alternative, that lets the contract remain between the 
personality routine and the landing pad (i.e., compiler). The personality 
routine, when it returns with _URC_INSTALL_CONTEXT, needs to be able to 
specify a full context -- e.g., an mcontext_t -- not just an unwind 
context, which contains only the preserved register state. We could 
provide an additional by-reference parameter to the personality routine 
interface that allows this. The personality routine could then allocate 
an mcontext_t, initialize it with the unwind context (presumably with a 
new API), modify that mcontext_t as desired (presumably with another new 
API), and return the pointer to it.

A simplification of the above mechanism might be to allow the personality 
routine to return a list of pairs -- register number and value -- that 
need to be installed along with the unwind context.

Either of these proposals let us keep unneeded state information out of 
the unwind context record. (And size *does* matter, which is what led me 
to bring this up in the first place.)

I still prefer my original suggestion, however. It's the simplest, and 
it's a small change. It keeps the number of parties involved in the 
contract down to two, even though it may not be the ideal two. And I 
don't think the advantage of leaving the landing pad parameter passing 
convention unarchitected is that great. 


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