Real changes for construction vtables (ignore prior mail)

Jim Dehnert dehnert at
Sat Mar 18 02:04:18 UTC 2000

I've been working through this proposal, and I think I've noticed an
implication that is important.  If the construction vtable groups are
not replicas (in layout, not value) of the corresponding complete object
vtable groups, eliding the "boring" base class vtables, this affects
more than just constructors.  It affects any vtable references in any
functions which might be called from constructors, in that they may no
longer assume fixed order and offsets of the secondary vtables, and
therefore may not use the optimization of using one vtable pointer to
access all of them -- instead, they must always load the vtable pointer
for the particular subobject whose vtable they are referencing.

Am I interpreting this correctly?


-	    Jim Dehnert		dehnert at

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