Construction vtables

Coleen Phillimore coleen at
Thu Mar 2 17:07:41 UTC 2000

> Reply-To: Martin von Loewis <loewis at>
> I just read the construction vtable passage, and I have some problems
> understanding it.
> First, the condition under which a class 'has' a VTT is
> confusing. What exactly means condition 2), why is this alternative to
> condition 1)? In particular, what does 'overridden along a virtual
> path' mean? And how could condition 2 be true while condition 1 is
> false?
> I interpret this as saying: '... has a virtual function in a virtual
> base class, which is overridden in a derived class'. So apparently the
> class has to have a virtual base, which implies that condition 1 is
> already true.

Yes it is true.  I wrote this section based on a combination of the code I
had and the code that I was going to write.  The second condition doesn't
make sense anymore, because the construction vtable in this
document is the whole vtable for the base class, including the vtables
for the base class subobjects.  The second condition was to eliminate
generating construction vtables for some base class subobjects, but if
we do that, it changes the VTT layout and breaks the virtual base
offset field in rtti.

Contrary to my earlier mail, the order of sub-obj-vtables can be left to
right dfs traversal of the class hierarchy, as specified in the section
on vtable layout.  Or not specified, as pointed out by Mark Mitchell
about 2 weeks ago.

> Also, where does the virtual function have to be overridden? In the
> complete object, or in the class of the VTT? I'd assume the latter.
> IOW, I think this needs to be phrased as
>   1. indirect or direct virtual base classes, and
>   2. one of the virtual bases is polymorphic (i.e. has virtual
>      functions), and
>   3. one of the virtual functions is overridden in the class being
>      considered crossing a virtual boundary.
> It may be possible to relax the conditions (e.g. for gcc, I only
> considered 1. and 2.), however, this seems to be the condition that
> requires VTT creation in the fewest cases.

I think only condition 1 applies.  If base class accesses
its virtual bases during construction, the offsets in the virtual
base part of the vtable will be wrong if it's part of a more
derived class with a different layout.

> Next, the ordering of entries in the individual subobject vtables
> seems to be duplicated incorrectly from the normal vtable layout. The
> document says, in the VTT section, that vbase offsets come first,
> followed by vcall offsets. In "Virtual Table Order", the document says
> the contrary. I suggest that the ordering of things in the
> construction vtable is the same as in the vtable of a complete object,
> and that this is documented by reference, not by duplication.

Oh, yes, the ordering should be exactly the same.  I forgot where
the vcall offsets were.

> Finally, it is not clear whose responsibility to provide the VTT
> pointer in the most derived object. It appears as if this is the
> caller's responsibility. However, it is not clear how this works in
> the case of virtual destructors (where the caller may not be aware of
> the need for a destruction vtable).
> There are two alternative resolutions:
> a) the destructor has two entry points, one without destruction vtable
>    and one with. If none is provided, the destructor uses the VTT of
>    its type, and invokes the dtor with VTT
> b) the destructor always takes two arguments, and the caller may fill
>    in a value of zero - indicating that this is the most derived type.
> The same approach could apply to constructors: a value of zero would
> indicate, again, that the constructor has to fetch its VTT itself.

Doesn't the ABI spec call for complete object ctor/dtors which would
create the VTT and subobject ctors/dtors that recieve the VTT in their
argument list?

I'm trying to implement what I specified now, so I anticipate some more
changes.   Don't discuss it at the con-call today.  I can't be there.

> Regards,
> Martin

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