VTTs, yet again

Jim Dehnert dehnert at baalbek.engr.sgi.com
Wed Jun 21 01:00:46 UTC 2000

> From mitchell at codesourcery.com  Sun May 21 09:37:09 2000
> >>>>> "Jim" == Jim Dehnert <dehnert at baalbek.engr.sgi.com> writes:
>     >> From: Mark Mitchell <mark at codesourcery.com>
>     >> 
>     >> The description of the VTT (in VTT order) doesn't specify which
>     >> vptrs point into the main vtable group and which into
>     >> construction vtable groups.  It should.
>     Jim> I don't think it needs to.  The VTT is the interface, and we
>     Jim> describe how it is used.  You are free to make a construction
>     Jim> vtable for every subobject if you like -- it will just be
>     Jim> often suboptimal.
> Fair enough.  
> But, I think we should add the rule I gave in a non-normative note;
> it's good to have concrete suggestions for implementors.

I've added verbiage with this intent towards the end of 2.6.2.  See
what you think.


-	    Jim Dehnert		dehnert at sgi.com

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