Document updates

Jim Dehnert dehnert at
Sat Jul 8 02:49:27 UTC 2000

I've updated the web pages for most of what happened yesterday,
with the exception of type_info naming and mangling, and new issues.

In particular, the new runtime APIs are there -- please check them
out (especially Mark as the proposer) and let me know of any problems.
I'll close those issues once they're verified.

I also went through the virtual table construction (2.5.3) very
carefully, making changes as required for covariant returns, as
well as fixing a number of inconsistencies.  If those implementing
this could please go through it very carefully as well, you'll
probably catch further errors and save us some trouble later.

Other than that, as usual, check the red text.

I expect to be pretty busy next week, but will try to finish the
missing stuff.

-		Jim Dehnert  x3-4272

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