Updated mangling specs

Daveed Vandevoorde daveed at edg.com
Thu Jan 27 02:39:37 UTC 2000

mendell at ca.ibm.com wrote:
> Does anyone implement this for templates?
>    c) an expression, e.g., "B<(J+1)/2>" is encoded with a prefix traversal
>       of the operators involved, delimited by "X...E".  The operators are
>       encoded using their two letter mangled names.  For example,
> "B<(J+1)/2>"
>       becomes "1BI Xdv pl T1_ Li1E Li2E E E" (the blanks were inserted to
>       visualize the decomposition).
> We certainly don't.  The expression gets converted to an integer value in
> our compiler, and the integer is what is encoded.
> Can you tell me what part of the standard applies here?

Sure: it's (most paragraphs).


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