A-23: RTTI has-public-base flag

Jim Dehnert dehnert at baalbek.engr.sgi.com
Fri Feb 18 02:41:44 UTC 2000

Another issue from the meeting today:  we see no utility for the
__vmi_class_type_info flag indicating that there is a public base.
Is there one that anyone knows of?  If so, I presume that "direct or
indirect" is equivalent to direct only, since it's not public unless
the entire inheritance path is public?  The reference is:


The web pages (HTML) are updated from today's meeting.  I will try
to incorporate Daveed's latest mangling writeup in the ABI layout
document before doing the PDF.

For those not at the meeting, note that the SGI people are moving next
Tuesday/Wednesday, so we won't be accessible and likely won't be able
to receive or respond to email prior to the meeting.


-		Jim Dehnert  x3-4272

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