Agenda for Thursday

Jim Dehnert dehnert at
Tue Aug 15 20:09:47 UTC 2000

NOTE:  we have a new location, in SGI building 41 (see directions on
the contact page and give yourself a few extra minutes to find it).
The phone number has also changed, to (650) 933-7976.

Following is an updated agenda.  The status pages are updated and on
the web (HTML and PDF) at:

The contact info page is now also there, in password-protected PDF only
for privacy.  The password is "not an orc".

WARNING:  The next meeting (not this one) will likely have a different
phone number and building/conference room.  Look for it in the contact
info page if I forget to emphasize it.

As usual, most of the updates are in the ABI layout document, in red.
The significant changes from last meeting are:

  -- Added base document section 1.5.
  -- Updates to one-time initialization in 3.3.2.
  -- Updates to initialization priority in 3.3.4.
  -- Miscellaneous cleanup to RTTI and mangling.
  -- Added Level II Exception specification, abi-eh.html Chapter 2.

Please take a careful look at the colored text, and raise any issues
you observe.

Take a look at the material associated with the following issues.
If you see something, please send it by email.

  1) Mangling grammar modifications.  I think we match Alex's now.
     Can you look at this again, Alex?

  2) C-2:  Priority for constructors.  This is modified per our
     discussion in the meeting -- see the Draft ABI,
     Is it OK now?

  3) C-18:  Where do we pass the address of the result buffer for
     a class with non-trivial copy constructor?

  4) C-19:  Should we uniformly allow NULL ctor/dtor parameters to
     the runtime create/destroy utility routines?  Mark, have you gone
     through the list to identify changes?

  5) G-4:  Thread-safe data initialization.  See 3.3.2.  Christophe
     had some ideas for optimization here.  I've updated 3.3.2 a bit,
     but the discussion of potential changes for Christophe's concerns
     is in the open issues page for issue G-4.  Christophe, can you
     take a look at it?

  6) Exception handling (D-14):  I believe I've captured, in the Level
     II chapter of the ABI exception handling spec, what needs to be
     there from the HP document.  Please look it over carefully from
     that standpoint -- does it include what is necessary to achieve a
     consistent exception runtime library interface, but exclude what
     needs only be agreed between the personality routine, the LSDA,
     and the generated code (which all come from the same
     implementation)?  I will next tackle a description of the LSDA in
     the Level III chapter, but may or may not attempt to transfer the
     rest of the HP document there, as opposed to just referencing it.
     Does anyone think that would be significantly better?

     We'll go over any comments anyone has at the meeting, but given
     how close that is, and how major the subject, I expect that we
     will end up doing it more carefully at the August 31 meeting.
     Since I hope that will be the only significant business at that
     meeting, please let us know if you care about it and won't be
     available that day, so we can plan to deal with it the next time
     and perhaps cancel the 31 August meeting.

We have the following issues without proposals.  Is there any interest
in pursuing them?  If not, we'll close or table them.

  7) F-5: ILP32 vs. LP64 mangling.  Christophe was going to think about
     whether to propose something specific, as I recall.

  8) G-1: Command line options.  Christophe was interested in
     specifying some common options for consistency.

Please also give some thought to what else (not on our lists) ought to
be considered at this point.

Note that it doesn't usually work to try to contact me by email
or phone the morning of the meeting, as I come directly from home.  If
you come in physically to the meeting, and the receptionist won't let
you come back to the conference room on your own, have her call the
conference room (it has a phone other than the one we use for the


-		Jim Dehnert  x3-4272

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