Updated RTTI description

Daveed Vandevoorde daveed at edg.com
Mon Oct 18 18:05:14 UTC 1999

(oops, forgot to add the attachment in the previous message.)

Hi all,

Attached it the updated document.  I believe it reflects all the
decisions made at the meeting last Thursday, but the decision to
split the std::__class_type_info could be implemented in various
ways.  Please check that what I have done is agreeable to you.

All other comments and corrections are also welcome,

-------------- next part --------------
Run-time type information

The C++ programming language definition implies that information about types
be available at run time for three distinct purposes:
   (a) to support the typeid operator,
   (b) to match an exception handler with a thrown object, and
   (c) to implement the dynamic_cast operator.
(c) only requires type information about polymorphic class types, but (a) and
(b) may apply to other types as well; for example, when a pointer to an int is
thrown, it can be caught by a handler that catches "int const*".

The following conclusions were arrived at by the attending members of the
C++ IA-64 ABI group:

. The exact layout for type_info objects is dependent on whether a 32-bit
  or 64-bit model is supported.
. Advantage should be taken of COMDAT sections and symbol preemption: two
  type_info pointers point to equivalent types if and only if the pointers
  are equal.
. A simple dynamic_cast algorithm that is efficient in the common case of
  base-to-most-derived cast case is preferrable over more sophisticated ideas
  that handle deep-base-to-in-between-derived casts more efficiently at a
  slight cost to the common case.  Hence, the original scheme of providing
  a hash-table into the list of base classes (as is done e.g. in the HP aC++
  compiler) has been dropped.
. The GNU egcs development team has implemented an idea of this ABI group to
  accelerate dynamic_cast operations by a-posteriori checking a "likely
  outcome".  The interface of std::__dynamic_cast therefore keeps the
  src2dst_offset hint.
. std::__extended_type_info is dropped.
. It was decided to only keep direct base information about a class type.
  Indirect base information can be found by chasing type_info pointers
  (and care should be taken to determine ambiguous base class types).
. Different class types are introduced for class that (a) have no bases,
  (b) use only single inheritance, and (c) use multiple inheritance.
. The typeinfo structure for a class type with associated virtual tables is
  emitted as part of the set of virtual tables.  It precedes the tables proper
  (not explicitly decided, but assumed: it also precedes auxiliary tables for
  locating construction vtables).

Place of emission
It is probably desirable to minimize the number of places where a particular
bit of RTTI is emitted.  For polymorphic types, a similar problem occurs for
virtual function tables, and hence the information can be appended at the end
of the primary vtable for that type.  For other types, they must presumably be
emitted at the location where their use is implied: the object file containing
the typeid, throw or catch.

Basic type information (such as for "int", "bool", etc.) can be kept in the
run-time support library.  Specifically, this proposal is to place in the
run-time support library type_info objects for the following types:
	void*, void const*
	X, X* and X const*
for every X in: bool, wchar_t, char, unsigned char, signed char, short,
unsigned short, int, unsigned int, long, unsigned long, long long, unsigned
long long, float, double, long double.  (Note that various other type_info
objects for class types may reside in the run-time support library by virtue
of the preceding rules; e.g., that of std::bad_alloc.)

The typeid operator
The typeid operator produces a reference to a std::type_info structure with
the following public interface:

	struct std::type_info {
     virtual ~type_info();
     bool operator==(type_info const&) const;
     bool operator!=(type_info const&) const;
     bool before(type_info const&) const;
     char const* name() const;

Assuming that after linking and loading only one type_info structure is active
for any particular type symbol, the equality and inequality operators can be
written as address comparisons: to type_info structures describe the same type
if and only if they are the same structure (at the same address).  In a flat
address space (such as that of the IA-64 architecture), the before() member is
also easily written in terms of an address comparison.  The only additional
piece of information that is required is the NTBS that encodes the name.  The
type_info structure itself can hold a pointer into a read-only segment that
contains the text bytes.

Matching throw expressions with handlers
When an object is thrown a copy is made of it and the type of that copy is TT.
A handler that catches type HT will match that throw if:
  . HT is equal to TT except that HT may be a reference and that HT may have
    top-level cv qualifiers (i.e., HT can be "TT cv", "TT&" or "TT cv&"); or
  . HT is a reference to a public and unambiguous base type of TT; or
  . HT has a pointer type to which TT can be converted by a standard pointer
    conversion (though only public, unambiguous derived-to-base conversions
    are permitted) and/or a qualification conversion.
This implies that the type information must keep a description of the public,
unambiguous inheritance relationship of a type, as well as the const and
volatile qualifications applied to types underlying pointers.

The dynamic_cast operator
Although dynamic_cast can work on pointers and references, from the point of
view of representation we need only to worry about polymorphic class types.
Also, some kinds of dynamic_cast operations are handled at compile time and do
not need any RTTI.  There are then three kinds of truly dynamic cast
  . dynamic_cast<void cv*>, which returns a pointer to the complete lvalue,
  . dynamic_cast operation from a base class to a derived class, and
  . dynamic_cast across the hierarchy which can be seen as a cast to the
    complete lvalue and back to a sibling base.
The most common kind of dynamic_cast is base-to-derived in a singly inherited

RTTI layout

0. The RTTI layout for a given type depends on whether a 32-bit or 64-bit
mode is in effect.

1. Every vtable shall contain one entry describing the offset from a vptr
for that vtable to the origin of the object containing that vptr (or
equivalently: to the vptr for the primary vtable).  This entry is directly
useful to implement dynamic_cast<void cv*>, but is also needed for the other
truly dynamic casts.  This entry is located two words ahead of the location
pointed to by the vptr (i.e., entry "-2").  This entry is also present in
vtables for classes having virtual bases, but no virtual functions.

2. Every vtable shall contain one entry pointing to an object derived from
std::type_info.  This entry is located at the word preceding the location
pointed to by the vptr (i.e., entry "-1").  The entry is also allocated in
vtables for classes having virtual bases, but no virtual functions; however,
in those cases, the entry is zero.  This entry is coded as an offset with
respect to the virtual table origin, rather than as a pointer (thereby saving
the need for more run-time relocations).

std::type_info contains just two pointers:
  . its vptr
  . a pointer to a NTBS representing the name of the type

The possible derived types are:
  . std::__fundamental_type_info
  . std::__pointer_type_info
  . std::__reference_type_info
  . std::__array_type_info
  . std::__function_type_info
  . std::__enum_type_info
  . std::__class_type_info
  . std::__si_class_type_info
  . std::__vmi_class_type_info
  . std::__ptr_to_member_type_info

3. std::__fundamental_type_info adds no fields to std::type_info.

4. std::__pointer_type_info adds two fields (in that order):
  . a word describing the cv-qualification of what is pointed to
    (e.g., "int volatile*" should have the "volatile" bit set in that word).
  . a pointer to the std::type_info derivation for the unqualified type
    being pointed to
Note that the first bits should not be folded into the pointer because we may
eventually need more qualifier bits (e.g. for "restrict").  The bit 0x1
encodes the "const" qualifier; the bit 0x2 encodes "volatile".

5. std::__reference_type_info is similar to std::__pointer_type_info but
describes references.

6. std::__array_type_info and std::__function_type_info do not add fields to
   std::type_info (these types are only produced by the typeid operator;
   they decay in other contexts).  std::__enum_type_info does not add fields

7. Three different types are used to represent type information.

(a) std::__class_type_type is used for class types having no bases, and is
also a base type for the other two class type representations.  It derived from
std::type_info and adds one word with flags describing some details about the
  . a word with flags describing some details about the class (most of these
    are for use by the derived classes):
      0x1: contains multiply inherited subobject
      0x2: is polymorphic
      0x4: has virtual bases
      0x8: has privately inherited base

(b) For classes containing only a single, nonvirtual inheritance hierarchy,
class std::__si_class_type_info is used.  It adds to std::__class_type_type
a single pointer to the type_info structure for the base type.

(c) For class containing (directly or indirectly) a multiple or virtual
inheritance component in their hierarchy, std::__vmi_class_type_info is used.
It is derived from std::__class_type_info, and adds:
  . a word with the number of direct base class descriptions that follow it
  . base class descriptions for every direct base; each description is of
    the type:
      struct std::__base_class_info {
         std::type_info *type;
         std::ptrdiff_t offset;
         int is_virtual: 1;
         int is_public: 1;

8. The std::__ptr_to_member_type_info type adds three fields to
  . a pointer to a std::__class_type_info (e.g., the "A" in "int A::*")
  . a_pointer to a std::type_info corresponding to the member type (e.g., the
    "int" in "int A::*")
  . a word describing the cv-qualification of what is pointed to
    (see std::__pointer_type_info)

The NTBS returned by this routine is the mangled name of the type.

The dynamic_cast algorithm
Dynamic casts to "void cv*" are inserted inline at compile time.  So are
dynamic casts of null pointers and dynamic casts that are really static.

This leaves the following test to be implemented in the run-time library for
truly dynamic casts of the form "dynamic_cast<T>(v)":
  (see [expr.dynamic_cast] 5.2.7/8)
  . If, in the most derived object pointed (referred) to by v, v points
    (refers) to a public base class sub-object of a T object [note: this can
    be checked at compile time], and if only one object of type T is derived
    from the sub-object pointed (referred) to by v, the result is a pointer
    (an lvalue referring) to that T object.
  . Otherwise, if v points (refers) to a public base class sub-object of the
    most derived object, and the type of the most derived object has an
    unambiguous public base class of type T, the result is a pointer (an
    lvalue referring) to the T sub-object of the most derived object. 
  . Otherwise, the run-time check fails.

The first check corresponds to a "base-to-derived cast" and the second to a
"cross cast".  These tests are implemented by std::__dynamic_cast.

   void* std::__dynamic_cast(void *sub, std::__class_type_info *src,
                                        std::__class_type_info *dst,
                                        std::ptrdiff_t obj2sub_offset);
   /* sub: source address to be adjusted; nonnull, and since the source
    *      object is polymoprhic, *(void**)sub is a vptr.
    * src: static type of the source object.
    * dst: destination type (the "T" in "dynamic_cast<T>(v)").
    * obj2sub_offset: a static hint about the location of the source subobject
    *    with respect to the complete object; special negative values are:
    *       -1: no hint
    *       -2: src is not a public base of dst
    *       -3: src is a multiple public base type but never a virtual
    *           base type
    *       (note: more values may be used for the some virtual inheritance
    *              cases?)
    *    otherwise, the src type is a unique public nonvirtual base
    *    type of dst at offset obj2syb_offset from the origin of dst.

The exception handler matching algorithm

Since the RTTI related exception handling routines are "personality specific",
no interfaces need to be specified in this document (beyond the layout of the
RTTI data).

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