Meeting Thursday and Status -- 12 Oct 99

Jim Dehnert dehnert at
Wed Oct 13 01:01:20 UTC 1999

Attached is the gzipped tar file of the status pages.  PDF to follow.
I won't be at the meeting, but Matt and/or John will lead it.

Question for next week:  for those of you using the PDF version,
is anyone averse to getting the pages all zipped in onefile?  If it
works for everyone, I can cut down the message size...

Following is an updated agenda, based on last week's:
  1) The COMDAT/section index proposals are updated in issue B-5.
     Please identify whatever needs changing (or is an issue) --
     I'll submit it in whatever form to the base ABI group early
     next week, though we can modify the proposal even after that.
  2) RTTI descriptors.  See open issue A-6, and Daveed's cleaned
     up description in the ABI data layout document.
  3) The updated vtable layout proposal from Jason.  See open issue
     B-6, and Jason's cleaned up description in the ABI data layout
  4) Based on (3), can we produce a clean description of a virtual
     function call?  If not, what's still missing?  See issue B-1.

  5) Same question for dynamic cast.  See issue B-8.

  6) Identify what remains to deal with C-5 and C-6 (calling
     constructors and destructors).

  7) If possible, let's discuss the varargs routine interface,
     as there's a possible C ABI issue there (G-5).  Think about
     whether there's any chance of changing the C ABI version of
     this at this point...

That should keep you occupied...

-	    Jim Dehnert		dehnert at
-------------- next part --------------
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