Name hashing algorithm(s).

Coleen Phillimore coleen at
Thu Nov 18 20:22:13 UTC 1999

The following code (which is a snippet of our name hashing code) computes
a CRC code for the name.   There are two versions, we use the "good" one
to append to the mangled names on VMS (limit 32) and Unix is 1024.

The algorithm is: using the mangled name, compute the CRC.  Chop off the
mangled name at whatever the limit is (1022 for Unix for historical reasons)
minus 7, and fill the CRC in the last 7 characters using the routine
fill_crc() below.

Demangling: The demangler on Unix will try to demangle the name up to
where it's chopped off (which is almost always good enough, well, we haven't
heard any complaints).  On VMS, we have a demangler database.

The other CRC routine is one we use for exception id
comdats because they don't get the same address on VMS shared images.
I think it has the same (low) probability of collisions as the first.
If you use both, there's virtually no chance of collisions (someone
else did the math for this, which I may have saved).

Sorry, about the '$' in id's - this originally came from VMS, hence the
strange interface to lib$crc.

*  Copyright Digital Equipment Corporation 1989, 1998. All rights reserved.
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#include <ctype.h>
#include <stddef.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <assert.h>

/* prototypes */
/* AUTODIN-II CRC code. */
unsigned int cs_get_good_crc_code(int len, char *name);

/* Bevin's CRC code. */
unsigned int cs_get_crc_code2(int len, char *name);

** Default CRC table:
**	This table was taken from Ada's generalized name generation
**	algorithm.  It represents a commonly used CRC polynomial known
**	as AUTODIN-II.  For more information see the VAX Macro VMS
**	documentation under the CRC VAX instruction.

static const unsigned int good_crc_table[16] =
                     {0x00000000, 0x1DB71064, 0x3B6E20C8, 0x26D930AC,
		      0x76DC4190, 0x6B6B51F4, 0x4DB26158, 0x5005713C,
		      0xEDB88320, 0xF00F9344, 0xD6D6A3E8, 0xCB61B38C,
		      0x9B64C2B0, 0x86D3D2D4, 0xA00AE278, 0xBDBDF21C};
** Facility:  PLIB
** Abstract:  Routine to compute a CRC without using the CRC instruction.
** Environment:  VAX/VMS
** Author:  Gary Barton, Creation Date:  11-Apr-1990
** Modified by:

/* Only S supported */
#define DSC$K_CLASS_S   1               /* fixed-length descriptor */
#define DSC$K_CLASS_D   2               /* dynamic string descriptor */
#define	DSC$K_DTYPE_T   0               /* stub, just make it compile */

struct  dsc$descriptor
	unsigned short  dsc$w_length;   /* specific to descriptor class;
					typically a 16-bit (unsigned) length */
	unsigned char   dsc$b_dtype;    /* data type code */
	unsigned char   dsc$b_class;    /* descriptor class code */
	unsigned char  *dsc$a_pointer;  /* address of first byte of data
					element */
#define analyze_sdesc( desc, addr, len ) \
if ( desc->dsc$b_class <= DSC$K_CLASS_D ) \
    addr = (char *)desc->dsc$a_pointer;\
    len = desc->dsc$w_length;\
    ; /* str$analyze_sdesc( desc, &addr, &len ); */

unsigned int lib$crc (unsigned int crc_table[16],
		      unsigned int *initial_crc,
		      struct dsc$descriptor *stream)
    int            i;
    unsigned int   result;
    char          *stream_addr;
    int            stream_length;

    analyze_sdesc(stream, stream_addr, stream_length);

    ** Compute the result 4 bits at a time.

    result = *initial_crc;
    for (i = 0; i < stream_length; ++i)
	unsigned int data = (unsigned char)stream_addr[i];

	result = (result >> 4) ^ crc_table [(result ^ data) & 0x0f];
	data = data >> 4;
	result = (result >> 4) ^ crc_table [(result ^ data) & 0x0f];

    return (result);
void fill_crc (char *buffer, int length, unsigned crc)
**	Fills in the CRC field with the number of characters requested.
**	Uses base 32.
    static char crc_converter[] = "0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuv";
    int mask = 0x00000001f;
    unsigned int temp = crc;
    unsigned int digit = 0;
    int i;

    for (i =0; i<length; i++) {
	digit = temp & mask;
	buffer[length-i-1] = crc_converter[digit];
	temp = temp >> 5;
} /* fill_crc */

unsigned int cs_get_good_crc_code( int len, char *name)
**	Calls lib$crc determine a hex number representing
**	the identifier name.  Uses the good crc table.
    unsigned crc_result  = 0;
    unsigned int          initial_crc = -1;
    struct dsc$descriptor crc_stream = {0,
    ** Initialize the crc_stream fixed length descriptor
    crc_stream.dsc$w_length  = len;
    crc_stream.dsc$a_pointer = (unsigned char *)name;

    crc_result = lib$crc((unsigned int *)good_crc_table,
    return crc_result;
unsigned int cs_get_crc_code2(int len, char *name)
**	This function returns a CRC code generated from this
**	polynomial.
**		polynomial = x^32+x^29+x^3+x^1+1
**		POLY  = D0000004
**	(POLY is used in calculating the CRC table- computed
**	 by leaving off the 32 term and setting the
**	 bits corresponding to the terms in reverse.)
**	char *name:
**	    The identifier node whose encoded name needs further
**	    target specific encoding.
**	int  len:
**	    Length of name.
    static unsigned int crc_table2[16] = {
	0x00000000, 0xca000004, 0x34000001, 0xfe000005,
	0x68000002, 0xa2000006, 0x5c000003, 0x96000007,
	0xd0000004, 0x1a000000, 0xe4000005, 0x2e000001,
	0xb8000006, 0x72000002, 0x8c000007, 0x46000003 };

    unsigned   crc_result  = 0;

    unsigned int initial_crc = -1;
    struct dsc$descriptor crc_stream = {0,
    ** Initialize the crc_stream fixed length descriptor
    crc_stream.dsc$w_length  = len;
    crc_stream.dsc$a_pointer = (unsigned char *)name;

    crc_result = lib$crc(crc_table2,

    return crc_result;

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