Emptyness vs. virtualness

Jim Dehnert dehnert at transmeta.com
Thu Mar 22 06:20:23 UTC 2001

Mark Mitchell wrote:
> >>>>> "Jim" == Jim Dehnert <dehnert at transmeta.com> writes:
>     Jim> But that's what I would have expected.  The rule is that we
>     Jim> first lay out the non-virtual things (C (not B), A2 (with A))
>     Jim> and then all the virtual bases (B).  By the time we get to B,
>     Jim> it's A can't be at 0, so we get a new one.
> Yup, that's the issue all right.
> So, how do we decide?

Well, I think it's well-defined now, and can be clarified if necessary.
Further, I think the alternative will be a messier rule.
So would it be beneficial enough to be worth changing it?

It might save up to one unit of alignment in the size (doesn't seem important)
to a case that I doubt is common.  Seems to me like a worse case for change
than Jason's proposal for vtable emission.

		Jim Dehnert		Transmeta Corp.
		dehnert at transmeta.com	(408) 919-6984
		dehnertj at acm.org

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