construction vtables broken

Mark Mitchell mark at
Wed Jan 24 17:05:40 UTC 2001

>>>>> "Jason" == Jason Merrill <jason at> writes:

    Jason> No, I'm thinking of the case where there is no vtable.  But
    Jason> perhaps it goes without saying that a base with no vptr
    Jason> won't need an entry in the VTT...

It did in my mind, but that's silly.  Thanks for being complete.

I think we all agree, then.

    Jason> We were tailking about secondary virtual pointers, not
    Jason> secondary VTTs.

Right, typo.

Great, I think we've got a decision. 

Alex is going to get the HTML up on our web-site this week.  Alex,
will you incorporate Nathan's edits?


Mark Mitchell                   mark at
CodeSourcery, LLC     

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