Agenda for tomorrow

Jim Dehnert dehnert at
Wed Oct 11 23:27:24 UTC 2000

Following is an updated agenda.  The status pages are updated (only the
ABI draft documents have changed) and on the web (HTML and shortly PDF)

The contact info page is now also there, in password-protected PDF only
for privacy.  The password is "not an orc".

As usual, most of the updates are in the ABI layout document, in red.
Please take a careful look at the colored text, and raise any issues
you observe.

Take a look at the material associated with the following issues.
If you see something, please send it by email.  #7 (exceptions) is most
important, and I expect to devote at least half of the meeting to it
unless noone has issues with it.  Please look it over carefully.

  1) RTTI:
     a) Should member names be normative or not?
     b) What should we specify about the class definitions and
	where they are emitted and used to guarantee portability?
	See Martin's and others' email from late September.

  2) C-18:  Result buffers.  Is the rewrite adequate?
  3) Note that the ABI now says that a value parameter destructor is
     called from the callee.  The language standard requires that it
     be (semantically) called from the caller, for purposes of access
     checking.  This means that the compilation of the caller must
     check accessibility of the destructor, presumably issuing a
     compile-time error message if it is not accessible; while the
     compilation of the callee must generate the destructor call
     without an accessibility check.  This seems OK to me -- does
     anyone else see problems with it?

  4) Exception handling (D-14):  I believe I've captured, in the Level
     II chapter of the ABI exception handling spec, what needs to be
     there from the HP document.  Please look it over carefully from
     that standpoint -- does it include what is necessary to achieve a
     consistent exception runtime library interface, but exclude what
     needs only be agreed between the personality routine, the LSDA,
     and the generated code (which all come from the same
     implementation)?  I hope that we can declare Levels I/II closed
     this week, with at most minor adjustments.
     I will next tackle a description of the LSDA in the Level III
     chapter, but may or may not attempt to transfer the rest of the
     HP document there, as opposed to just referencing it.
     Does anyone think that would be significantly better?

  5) What are the requirements on error returns from

  6) F-7:  Unicode.  It has been suggested that, rather than just
     deferring the extended character set issue to the Open Group, we
     specify what we intend to use, at least pending a contrary
     decision.  I'm not averse to this.

  7) G-4:  Thread-safe data initialization.  See 3.3.2.  Christophe
     had some ideas for optimization here.  I've updated 3.3.2 a bit,
     but the discussion of potential changes for Christophe's concerns
     is in the open issues page for issue G-4.  Christophe, can you
     take a look at it?

Note that it doesn't usually work to try to contact me by email
or phone the morning of the meeting, as I come directly from home.  If
you come in physically to the meeting, and the receptionist won't let
you come back to the conference room on your own, have her call the
conference room (it has a phone other than the one we use for the


-		Jim Dehnert  x3-4272

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