Unwind Table Location

Eli Boling eboling at inprise.com
Thu Mar 23 17:04:00 UTC 2000

>   7) D-12:  Unwind table location.

No one has oppined on this one so far, so I'd like to chip in.  I'd like it
if we could avoid imposing data structures on the language implementations
where possible.  I'd particularly like to avoid this in the area of
exception handling, as this is a place where different languages need to
cohabitate in the process space.  That's partly why I was happy to see the
functional interface in the C++ exception handling doc that you folks did.
My problems with the existing gcc mechanism revolve around the total
commitment requirement to the gcc data format, which prevents me from even
throwing exceptions past gcc frames without dying unless I fully conform to
their data format.

The updated proposal seems to handle most of my concerns, but I'd still
like to see the PC map hidden, so that language implementors can do as they
see fit with this.  To that end, I'd like to toss out the following
additions.  Note that these are tentative, based on my fiddling with it
just a bit for the past day or so.  I'm going to do a prototype to see how
it holds together.

I would like to see the unwind tables registered with the _Unwind library,
and referenced only through callbacks, like this:

typedef __personality_routine (*_Unwind_IPLookupFn)(uint64 IP,
void **pImplementationData);

int _Unwind_RegisterIPLookup(_Unwind_IPLookupFn LookupFn,
uint64 StartAddr, uint64 EndAddr);

void _Unwind_UnregisterIPLookup(_Unwind_IPLookupFn LookupFn);

The first function takes the address of a lookup function which returns a
personality and pointer to implementation specific data based on an IP.
Start and end addresses are made available so that the _Unwind library can
optimize calls to these routines.  When an exception is raised, the _Unwind
library looks up the current IP by calling these registered procedures.
The need for something like this was implied in the Intel Software
Conventions and Runtime Architecture Guide, Chap 11 (SCRAG is what I'll
call it.  What do you call it?).  Section 11.1.2 says that the dynamic
loader needs to provide an API for finding the unwind table.  I've just
changed the 'ownership' of the data a bit.

The second function lets you uninstall a lookup function.  That's for when
you're unloading, and you don't want to leave bad fn pointers floating.
Yes, the RTL for the language does have to cooperate, or things can go
south a considerable time after a module unloads.

The personality routine as it is stated in the C++ ABI doesn't have the
implementation specific data passed to it.  I'd like to add that:

typedef _Unwind_Reason_Code(*__personality_routine)(
 int version,
 _Unwind_Action actions,
 uint64 exceptionClass,
 _Unwind_Exception *exceptionObject,
 _Unwind_Context *context,
 void *ImplementationData);

The ImplementationData parameter is the item that is returned by the lookup
function that resolves the personality for a given IP.

Given these changes, the format of most of the unwind data in chapter 11 of
the SCRAG becomes mostly advisory (the frame info was already made so by
the current document).  Chapter 11 could essentially become an appendix
implementation that could be used by implementors if they chose, but not
forced on them.  The other thing that I like about the lookup registering
is that it allows implementors to innovate with respect to fast lookup
schemes within a loadable module.  The current scheme allows for no
innovation whatever.  I'd prefer that the implementors be left with the
option to build as fancy or as simple a scheme for lookups and frame
decomposition as possible, depending on the needs of the language.

Hope I wasn't too wordy.


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