Typos in class-layout algorithm

Mark Mitchell mark at codesourcery.com
Sun Mar 19 03:42:34 UTC 2000

The "Non-Virtual-Base Allocation" section in the data layout document
still contains a couple of typos:

  Finally allocate any direct or indirect virtual base classes (except
  the primary base class or any indirect primary base classes) as we did
  non-virtual base classes in step II-1, in inheritance graph
  order. Update sizeof(C) to max (sizeof(C), offset(D)+nvsize(D)). If
  non-empty, also update align(C) and dsize(C) as in II-1.

II-1 is now about bitfields.  Why not just say that you should use
II-2 if the virtual base is non-empty, and II-3 if it is empty?

  The primary base class has already been allocated in I-3a.

That's now I-2b.

Mark Mitchell                   mark at codesourcery.com
CodeSourcery, LLC               http://www.codesourcery.com

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