Agenda for 16 March meeting
Martin von Loewis
loewis at
Thu Mar 16 13:05:34 UTC 2000
> Let's talk about the name reuse mechanism. I've suggested that
> we identify which constructs can be used as substitutes, and be
> substituted themselves, in terms of the grammar. If this seems
> like a reasonable approach, let's go through the grammar in the
> layout document and identify the acceptable substitutes.
I don't know whether you'll find the time, but I think the 'Sx'
mangling also deserves serious reconsiderations. I find the statement
# The abbreviation St is always treated as a qualifier and therefore
# does not need a N...E construct.
followed by the example
# _ZStN3_In4wardE
confusing at best, if not contradictory. I'd propose something along
the line of
<qualified-name> ::= <std-qual> <nesting-qualifier>+ <unqualified-name> E
<std-qual> ::= St
::= Sb
::= Ss
so that 'std::string' would be mangled as 'SsE', which is equivalent
to N3std12basic_stringIcN3std11char_traitsIcEEN3std9allocatorIcEEEE.
As such, it would also introduce the appropriate number of back
references, i.e.
S1 - std::basic_string<char,std::char_traits<char>,std::allocator<char>>
S2 - std::allocator<char>
S3 - char
S4 - std::allocator
S5 - std
S6 - std::char_traits<char>
S7 - char
S8 - std::char_traits
S9 - std
S10- char
S11- std::basic_string
S12- std
> 3) F-2: Mangled name size. Our hope has been that the substitution
> mechanism will make further efforts unnecessary. How do we go
> about validating this?
If somebody gives me the longest mangled symbol ever seen in a real
project (plus the demangled version for that compiler), I can try to
remangle it with the new scheme.
> 4) F-6: Demangler?
It is not too difficult to come up with an API, is it?
namespace abi{
std::string demangle_mangled_name(const char*);
std::string demangle_type(const char*);
which relate to the grammar productions <mangled-name> and <type>.
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