More mangling issues

Daveed Vandevoorde daveed at
Fri Mar 10 23:31:16 UTC 2000

> Another issue: for pointer-to-member types, is the M qualifier already
> pointer in itself? I.e. given
>   _Z3fooPM2ABi
> Is this foo(int AB::*) or foo(int AB::**)?

The latter. "M" is pointer-to-member (which accounts for the first "*" token)
and P is plain pointer (to data or function).

> Same for functions, which leads to the question what _Z3fooPPM2ABFiE is.

If I'm not mistaken: Ret? foo(int (AB::***)()).

Note the contrast with _Z3fooM2ABPPFiE which I think is
	Ret? foo(int (**AB::*)())

Gotta love that syntax ;-)

(I'll try to work on your other points later on.)


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