RTTI data member names, NTBS COMDAT

Mark Mitchell mark at codesourcery.com
Thu Aug 31 18:28:26 UTC 2000

>>>>> "Martin" == Martin von Loewis <loewis at informatik.hu-berlin.de> writes:

    >> Does anyone else have a comment on this issue?  Who suggested
    >> making RTTI names non-normative?  Why?

    Martin> I think the way it is now, the names are quite clumsy to
    Martin> use, due to the underscore business. So I propose two
    Martin> alternatives:

    Martin> 1. make them non-normative. That leaves implementations
    Martin> the choice to expose them under more convenient names, or
    Martin> not to expose them.

    Martin> 2. Review the decision to make use of reserved namespace.

    Martin> I'd like to argue in favour of option 2. Reserved names
    Martin> are necessary to avoid conflicts for strict conformance in
    Martin> the following situations:

I disagree.  I'd prefer to make them normative, using the current
names.  I think the fields have to be there, so we might as well give
them names.

Although your argument regarding the namespace is technically valid, I
think we should consider cxxabi.h like part of the support library;
why risk breaking a user's program that happens to use one of these
names in some other way?

Mark Mitchell                   mark at codesourcery.com
CodeSourcery, LLC               http://www.codesourcery.com

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