mangling template args with C linkage

Jim Dehnert dehnert at
Wed Apr 12 01:31:47 UTC 2000

> From: Alex Samuel <samuel at>
> Mangling question.  Suppose you have:
>     template<void (* P) (void)> class TemplateClass {};
>     extern "C" void foo (void);
>     TemplateClass<&foo> x;
> Does the template argument foo get mangled as "foo" or "3foov"?  The
> production
>     <template-arg> ::= LZ <encoding> E
> would seem to imply the second, but it seems odd to mangle the name of
> a function with C linkage.

We haven't explicitly decided, but I think the answer is neither.
It serves no purpose to do a full mangling, so I don't like 3foov.
But it can't be unmangled, since we have to be able to find the end
(think about extern "C" bool IsEmpty (void), as LZIsEmptyE...).

So I think the answer is to treat it like a global data object, and
mangle it as its <source-name>, i.e. LZ7IsEmptyE.  I've put this
specification in the document -- object if you don't like it.


-	    Jim Dehnert		dehnert at

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